Collections For Clients Located Outside Of Florida
At the South Florida law firm of Allison L. Friedman, P.A., we help out-of-state individuals and businesses collect from debtors that are located in Florida. We want you to know that you do not have to give up on collecting when a party has moved to Florida. There are remedies available. We know those remedies.
When you enlist our law firm to handle the collection of your out-of-state judgment, you will be represented by an attorney who has been dealing with these matters since 1995. Our experience provides our clients with the confidence that all funds will be recovered.
Having An Out-of-State Judgment Domesticated
A judgment was issued in another state. The party that the judgment was issued against is now located in Florida. While the collection is never a simple matter, it becomes even more complex when a case crosses state lines.
The first step that needs to be taken is having the out-of-state judgment domesticated. By domesticating a judgment, it is made enforceable in Florida. All remedies available to collect Florida judgments are now available.
Collecting An Out-of-State Judgment
Once a judgment is domesticated, the rest of the process is the same as all other judgments: We can take all necessary steps to collect on the judgment, including wage and bank account garnishment.
Contact Our Aventura/Fort Lauderdale Area Law Firm To Discuss Your Case
To schedule a consultation with an experienced collections lawyer, call us at 888-691-1248 or send us an email.