Some people don't repay their debts because they can't, and others don't make payments because they have other priorities. Individuals with income or bank accounts who don't pay their debts can frustrate businesses that they owe money to. They may actively try to...
Month: March 2021
Why you may want to consider setting up a real estate LLC
Most everyone has heard of limited liability companies (LLC). In recent years, these have grown popular as business incorporation structures for companies aiming to minimize their legal liability. What many don't realize, though, is how there's not just one type of...
How the Florida courts can compel someone to repay a debt
Collecting an unpaid debt can be one of the hardest parts of running a business. When an individual owes your company money but refuses to pay, you may feel like you have few options even though you know the law is on your side. Instead of selling your debt to some...