As a business owner, you need to manage your cash flow carefully. You need to know when money is coming in and going out, so that you know how much you can invest and spend on your business. One of the issues that many business owners run into is that some clients or...
Month: July 2021
Does bankruptcy always mean an end to your collection rights?
When a person or business owes you money, you may have to go to great lengths to convince them to pay. Frequent phone calls, strongly worded letters and even civil lawsuits may be necessary to convince someone to repay what they owe you. Occasionally, the people who...
How many people fail to pay their car loans?
For many people, part of the American Dream is getting to go out and buy that first brand new car. Yes, it costs more than a used car, but you get a pristine vehicle that is yours alone. However, a modern car generally costs $25,000 or more. A pickup truck may start...